NOVA Blast! (My adventures in mediocrity)

Soooo, NOVA went well, but not quite well as I’d hoped.  I had a great time at the team tourney and missed getting into Masters by the skin of my teeth!  It was rough, but I definitely diversified my play a bit compared to my normal meta.  So, here we go!

My lists all weekend were the Denny1 Scourge and Scaverous Dark Host lists I listed earlier.  I really don’t have the patience to do detailed reports of all 8 games I played, but I do remember the lists, so I’ll just be briefly going through how the games went.  The team tourney was first.

Round 1: Scaverous vs. Vlad2 Armored Corps on Mirage




Max. Shocktroopers with UA

Max. Demo Corps with Dragadovich

Kommandant Atanas and Standard

Man-o-War Drakun

Eilish Garrity

Man-o-War Suppression Tanker

Aiyana and Holt v. Valachev


Dropping Dark Host into this was a solid call and Scaverous was completely invaluable.  Telekinesis was key in breaking up the Shocktrooper formation and my Wraith Engine was able to kill the enemy objective before being killed by the Demo Corps.  It was actually a close game as all of my actual Bane models died, but ultimately, with so few models left on board (he only had the Drakun, the Juggernaut and a couple shock troopers), Scaverous was able to clear the flags with Telekinesis and win the game around turn 5.  Our team won all 3 games that time.


Game 2: Denny vs. Axis Destruction Initiative on Invasion








Transfinite Emergence Projector x2

Optifex Directive

Reflex Servitors x2

Elimination Servitors

Accreation Servitors


Simply speaking, I dropped the wrong list.  The TEPs tore me apart and Counter Charge and Axis’ feat kept me from launching an effective counterattack.  I did a lot of Feedback damage, but my opponent was savvy in using spare focus to keep Axis alive.  Fortunately, my team carried me through that one.


Game 3 Denny vs. Denny1 Scourge on The Pit 2





Max. Raiders with UA x2

Min. Blood Witches with UA x2

Gunslingers x2

Axiara Wraithblade

Severa Blacktide


The true mirror, as only our support element and battlegroup differed.  The game can be summed up into my opponent making a couple minor mistakes that I was able to capitalize on as well as the Stalkers being much more relevant than Barathrum in terms of caster threat and capability, allowing me to keep his Denny off-balance and eventually killing a contesting Severa to win.  Going first didn’t hurt either.  Unfortunately, my team lost that one.


Game 4 was an irrelevant Scavvy into Kruegar2 Bones drop as my opponent didn’t really feel like playing and ran up Kruegar to die early on.  So, technically 3-1 for the day, but I’d rather call it 2-1.



Game 1: Denny vs. Reznik2 Creator’s Might on Recon 2.



-Scourge of Heresy




Vessel of Judgment x2

Colbie Sterling

Vassal Mechanic x3

Vassal of Menoth

Min. Chior of Menoth

Visgoth Rhoven and Co.



Super close game!  It went to turn 7 tied on control points and I won by merely 2 army points!  It was kind of back and forth, with a Raider unit and Blood Witches rolling up the Vessels on the right flank while Reznik’s battlegroup sort of stormed down the left.  We both had a couple mistakes, with my forgetting Lamentation costing me a Parasite and him probably playing safer with Reznik early on than he really needed to, but yeah.  Crazy close.


Round 2: Denny vs. Gaspy1 Scourge on Standoff





Max. Satyxis Raiders + UA x2

Min. Blood Witches + UA

Gunslingers x2

Axiara Wraithblade

Severa Blacktide

Raider Captain x2


Another Scourge mirror.  How does this keep happening?  Unfortunately for me, Gaspy1 bring more relevant tools to this mirror and I get wrecked.  My Stalkers did force Gaspy to keep back and minimize the AOE damage of his feat, but Breath of Corruption and a Corruptor with rerolls were money in this matchup and I get stomped.


Round 3: Scaverous vs. Morghul2 Disciples of Agony on the Pit 2


-Blackhide Wrastler

-Boneswarm x2

Boil Master and Spirit Cauldron x2

Gatorman Bokur and Swamp Shamblers x2

Max. Farrow Brigands + UA

Paingiver Task Master x2

Bloodrunner Master Tormentor

Bog Trog Mist Speaker

Min. Bog Trog Ambushers


This game was a strange one.  We both spent a couple of turns sniping each other to little effect, with the most significant early engagement being the Bog Trogs killing a unit of Bane Warriors, followed by Scaverous killing them and getting 6 souls between Feast of Worms and Soul Harvester.  Morghul hid behind a line of models and smoke, camping 2, and staying out of 19″ of my arc nodes… but not out of 21″.  A feat and a couple TKs later, I had an arc node with a clear line to a 5″ away Morghul with 11 focus left to spend to get through two transfers.  My dice are decent and Morghul dies.


Round 4: Denny vs. Issyria Legions of Dawn on Invasion



-Harpy x2



Max. Dawnguard Sentinels with UA x2

Dawnguard Scyir

Dawnguard Scyir


Arcanist Mechanic x3


This game was also incredibly close.  My Gunslingers were monsters taking out Sentinels (and Severa gets a special shout out for all the work she did), but those Vyre light jack guns are brutal, even though his feat dice are a bit sub-optimal.  I claw ahead on control points though, but my one mistake (a minor one), is to try to have my Deathripper kill a crippled Hemera rather than slam it out of the zone to increase my CP lead from 2 to 3.  I also position Deneghra less than ideally and with 0 focus, but I still thought it was a longshot assassination.  Still, Hemera’s gun and the one Siren he can draw a bead with are enough to get the job done.  For context, my remaining forces were 2 fresh Deathrippers, my Misery Cage and Severa, while he had a Harpy, a Siren, and a Hemera that lacked a melee weapon.  He ended up going to Masters (as did my round 2 opponent), so I can’t say I played against people who just got lucky.  I was beaten fairly, but I was disappointed to be so close to a Masters qualification and having it slip away.  In the end, I had the best SOS of the 2-2 players.

So, 2-3 with Deneghra Scourge for the weekend, while my Scaverous list didn’t lose a game.  Huh.  Should probably have dropped that one more.  Scaverous will be a continuing project and, since he’s probably my favorite Cryx caster, will be getting a spotlight sometime soon.  Other than that, with my major tourney circuit over for now, the next project is learning Slaughter Fleet!



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